

A very close friend of mine is getting married in less than two weeks from today. I asked her if she is excited about it. She said, ” initially the excitement was there, but right now, I am just there but I am looking forward to it.”

I am not married, neither am I planning to soon as pen this down, but I have been around for sometime to qualify me say a thing or two about marriage.

We all want that knight in shining armour who will come sweep us off our feet, who will love us unconditionally and who we’ll share with our most intimate moments and secrets. Someone who will share life’s journey together, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the joys and the tears, the laughters and the pain.  That one person whom we’ll know they are our one true friend.

You see for those who believe, the Bible likens marriage to the relationship between Christ and the church. That a husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church and a wife ought to submit to the leadership of her husband just as the church is under Christ. That a husband has been called to partner with Christ in loving his wife and leading her. Ephesians 5:22-30a“22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body.”

In deed it is a huge responsibility placed on each of the partners. You see submitting is not for the faint heart nor the proud and those full of themselves. It requires the kind , gentle spirits that embrace humility and walk in obedience. It requires wisdom to understand that it is not because women are inferior beings but that a helper,as a wife is,needs to be humble enough and speak with a gentle voice for their help to be effective. That submission means voluntarily yielding to the leadership/authority of another and not because the husband has merited but because God has designed it that way. That submission doesn’t mean sitting around idly but offer abundant encouragement, moral support and give insight where necessary. That submission does not imply that you are of a lesser value. Jesus never became of less value when He submitted to the will of the Father and died on the cross.

Loving your wife is your primary ministry as a husband. Loving her as you love your own body means that her needs and desires whether physical, financial,emotional and spiritual receive not just your attention but are met by your provision. That you are considerate and are sensitive as you live with your wife. That as you lead her, just as Christ led and showed exemplified servant leadership, you too will graciously lead her. That you will gently correct her when she errors and that rebuke is done in love. That you will rejoice with the wife of your youth and keep your marriage bed pure. That you will bless her with the words of your mouth. That you will realize that you have been called to a huge responsibility and you need God’s grace and wisdom to perform. That the husband will realize that in order for the relationship to work as in the case of Christ and the church, Christ loved us first. That the wife will also know for her to truly enjoy the grace of a loving authority, her submission is a necessity.



Songs… Melody…

I don’t know how this life would be without music…. So much has been written about by music.. The power of music… as an expression, as prayer, as simply art…When love sweeps us away, the most default expression is through song…through poem… through music… It calms and cools the mind, soothes the soul, relieves the heart…. takes care and grief away… and often we smile or cry through it as we sing,  hum along  or just listen to it and the words resonate so deeply in our souls and heart….

Today I’ll tell you about some of my most beautiful songs… Interestingly because life is so seasonal and each day brings it’s own cares and laughter, I often find myself having a list of songs for almost each season or significant life events and some are my forever victorious songs….There are songs that have carried me through hard and trying times… like God on the mountain  that reminds me that even then, God is God… and Anguaga Kindaya  tells me I’m held and carried by strong hands… Some have been my anchor as they remind me of God’s promises to me. There are those help that me praise and call me to attention that God fights my battles and arms me with strength and I literally dance around the house as I declare the words of such songs as  Muhotoro and Nginyukithia that is soo prophetic. Others are what I call praise prayers to the God who blesses like Ngai Murathimi as I ask Him to Do it again for He is Jehovah Jireh…. Muheani  – “…Onawe no arikwarira mitheko….” Ohh and this one right here Let your living water flow over my soul . Not to forget  Huniachi …”Unaijua jina langu ewe Bwana, Huniachi… Unatengeneza njia pia mito kule jangwani… Wewe ndiwe Alpha na Omega…. Umeahidi huniachi…” What more could I ask of God other than His forever promise of Him walking and being with me?? Then there are those that remind me I am Hidden in Him and He will guide me Through it all .

Some are like a love letter and prayer to the God of my life at the same time who is my Wonderful, Merciful, Saviour  counsellor, comforter keeper..Spirit we all long to embrace. Nimekupata Yesu by Ambassadors of Christ…and the name of the choir…speaks volumes… I actually love all their songs… 🙂 . Through Umetuka I declare that I will never worship any other God, other than the God of Israel, and He that is Holy – Mtakatifu .

And need I tell you of the hymns… The songs of power and strength to the saints. I know you know this particular one sang all over the world What a friend we in Jesus ….and what of those that reminds me that God has called me to a better city after this life When the Roll is Called Up Yonder . Then there are those that talk of God’s Amazing Grace that saves and of his blood that Yes I know makes the vilest sinner free. I know that you know that Nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash away your sins… It was for my and your pardon. For we are Broken vessels that God takes and moulds for His own glory. Each day, God reminds us that we are No longer slaves but children of God. And sometimes when I marvel at the work of creation by the God of my life, O lORD my God is the melody my heart sings and many more….like What a beautiful name it is the name of Jesus… The Name above all Names .

Then there those remind me that God is ever sufficient like Wewe ni zaidi and through them I praise my way into victories.  I know who I am in Christ and I testify of His goodness. For He is a Good good Father, a Way Maker, and each day I Stand amazed in his presence. I believe that Nothing is impossible with Him.

Though the Seasons change , one thing I have found a constant is that, God is God of all my days and each step I have taken He Made a way and has Covered me in the midst of it all. I know that He will be Faithful to the end and that Ngai ndahiuhaga na ndaceragirwo (God is never too early nor too late). We call dry bones to Come alive and If God be for me, whom shall I fear. In everything I will always sing Imela (I thank you) and Nara Ekele Mo (Take my thanksgiving) to He that is steadfast, unchanging, Mighty God of War , Lion of Judah.

There are many… many.. many more songs that I love and that have carried me through, spoke to me, ministered to me…. But those are just but a few… 🙂 I hope you get time to listen to a few of them… if not all… 🙂


“Let’s trust God,”…”Just trust God…” Phrases and words that I hear so often, so easily spoken. But is it really always that easy to trust God? That it just comes to us automatically like the blinking of an eye? Does it not hurt when you know that you know He is well able to get you out of that situation but you feel like He is just quiet?? Have you ever prayed for something, trusting God that He will give it to you, claiming all the Biblical promises but nothing ever really happened? It’s like the heavens were closed… Then your heart sunk, and you went quiet on the prayers… you start to question that perhaps it’s your will that’s not aligned to His…. But you were sure that it was… Then you search your heart… your prayer changes to, “Lord, then help me get rid of this desire, of this want, of this need..” But the more you pray, the more it grows… It could be about your career, family, business, country…..  In such life seasons there is always the danger of resignation… Resigning to prayer, resigning to trusting God, resigning to, “Yeah He can do it, He will do it whenever…..

“Worry is like a rocking chair; it’ll give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere” Unknown

Trusting God may at times not be easy, not because God is unfaithful or untrue but because we forget He is not man neither is He like man. We worry because we focus on our circumstances and in our minds try to figure out things and work them logically…. Then they don’t add up and we end up more worried, frustrated and beaten. Trusting God means keeping your hands off trying to help God… If you do, you always end up in a mess or more confused. Rather than taking matters into our own hands, it is better we trust him and follow His leading, for one thing is sure, He is a good God.

Trusting God does not always mean that only good will come our way. That we won’t be tried and tested. No. It means that He will be with us every step of the way, that He will prove Himself strong in our trials. Job was tested, even after God had testified about him calling him”my servant”, though the Lord made sure his soul wasn’t touched, he was afflicted in every way; his children, his wealth, his health, his friends couldn’t understand why he was still trusting God…. his wife told him to “curse God and die.” His response was astonishing…”You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble.?”  What a man! Even after God giving the devil permission to decimate his life! Despite all that Job, never blamed God nor cursed God , in fact he profoundly said, “my ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.” Job 42:5 I tend to believe that Job not only trusted God, but he knew whom he had trusted. His confidence was on God, whether He brought him good tidings or otherwise. He actually went from knowing about God to seeing Him!

“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” Psalm 112:7

Trusting God is about resting assured of the reliance of God’s character, God’s strength, God’s truth and God’s promises. It is being confident that He is with you every step of the way. For He created and formed us, and in Him we live, move and have our being.

Psalm 139:2-5



When God remembers.

Jacob, Leah and Racheal. It is interesting to read the story of Jacob and how he eventually ended up with his two wives. Having swindled his elder brother Esau his blessing, Jacob ran for his dear life and where else other than Haran, where his mother Rebecca had come from. The idea to trick his brother out of his blessing was his mother’s idea for she loved him more than Esau.

He was on the run but he was a blessed man with a promise of God’s presence. And yes God led him to the land of Haran where his uncle, Laban, the brother of his mother lived. And Lo! What a sight to behold! It was love at first sight when he first saw Racheal who was Laban’s youngest daughter as she approached on her way to water her mother’s sheep. She was enchantingly and fascinatingly beautiful. Jacob being the shrewd man he was hatched a plan in place to talk to her, in fact he offered her father, Laban, to work for him for seven years without pay in lieu of her dowry and to gain her hand in marriage. Seven good years! Talk of when a man is enamored of a woman! He so much loved Racheal that the Bible says that the seven years seemed to him but a few days. Can you imagine? Probably he felt life without her would be worthless and not meaningful.  He was indeed in love and waited patiently for the seven years.

One, two, three and seven years he served his uncle. I am sure he must have been filled with hope and delight for his future, that he would one day marry the love of his life. Probably his love for Racheal was a motivation for him to patiently wait and serve his uncle while waiting…His was a deep commitment of soul bound by a deep bond of spirit. The D-day came, he must have been overjoyed, that finally he’d get to marry Racheal – the love of his life. That night, the least he expected happened to him. He too was tricked by his uncle and instead of Racheal he was given Leah. He realized it in the morning after spending the night with her. She was already his wife. He was angered by the deception. The swindler had been swindled. But his love for Racheal was too great and so they worked out another deal with his uncle that would see him serve another seven years. And so he ended up with two wives, Leah and Racheal.

Interestingly perhaps as a sign of God’s favor upon Leah, may be for the love that she didn’t receive from Jacob, he blessed her womb and gave her more children, sons, than Racheal. Racheal was always jealous of Leah that she could bear children and Leah was always jealous of Racheal that Jacob was in love with her. But God did finally open Racheal’s womb and blessed her with two sons, Joseph and Benjamin. Unfortunately she died while giving birth to Benjamin and was buried in Ephrath.

In all this, one wonders what God’s perfect plan was. But it is what Jacob did towards the end of his life and when Leah died that we see the whole picture. When Leah died, Jacob buried her next to Abraham and Sarah, and Isaac and Rebekah. All her life, Leah had yearned for the love of her husband. May be she did get it because eventually, Jacob directed that he be buried next to Leah. She was his first and his last. While waiting for all those years for God to turn her husband’s heart towards her and love her, she had learned to focus on God. God honored her. Unloved by men, but she was deeply loved by God. God had blessed her womb and given her six sons and a daughter. Thousands of years later, the messiah would be born from Leah’s lineage, the house of Judah. It was also from her lineage that the scepter of leadership was given to – Judah as well as the robe of priesthood – Levi. Leah was indeed blessed by God.


When David proclaimed that the Lord will fulfill His purpose for him in Psalms 138:8, he must have had complete faith that God would do what He said He’d do and that He will not abandon the work of his hands. Waiting on God is a path that all of us at one point or another find ourselves in. It is not easy at all and one of the greatest stresses of the Christian walk is the strain of waiting for God and more so in our current times where we want everything done ASAP. One is often tempted to seek the easy way out – like help God the Abraham way- as if he needed human intervention. Being patient with God and having faith in His word and promises is more than just hanging in there. It’s more than sweet spoken words of ‘God is able’, ‘God is in control’ and more than lack of our ability to figure a way out. It’s a path marked with deep fears and personal struggles of whether we truly believe in His word. Our greatest fear is often not if God will honor His word but whether we ourselves truly believe that He is able to. Our fear is of ourselves, whether we are certain and absolutely sure that God is able and trustworthy. You see, from old days God has proven Himself faithful over and over that He is able, but are we truly convinced that in our present situation He is able to make a way, to provide, to open that door, to heal, to reconcile….? The word of God is sure and true. If there is something we should never doubt it is His spoken word. Does the rain fall and not water the earth? He asks in His word. Every hope or dream or aspiration conceived of the  human mind will be fulfilled if it is noble and of God – That is his word, that He fulfills the desires of the righteous.

If our hopes seem to be disappointed right now, then we need to watch out for the lessons that God is teaching us. Because it means that our faith is being purified. When Abraham waited on God for almost a hundred years for a child, and when the child finally showed up and God tested Him by asking him to sacrifice his only son, he didn’t have any qualms with it. His faith in God and already been purified and he knew God would still fulfill his promise of making him the father of many nations whether it was through this particular son Isaac or not. Upon every believer is a call to trust in God, to continually put our focus on Jesus Christ. To know that as he has said in his word He has given us everything that pertains to life and to Godliness and to look forward to that city whose builder and architect is God. To know that through faith and patience, like the saints, we shall inherit what we have been promised. To know the immense and gratifying joy that is ours to take and walk in as we trust and take God at his word. To know the perfect peace of God as our minds are on Him because we trust in God. To know that in quietness and trust is our strength found. To know that no matter what, God will never be defeated.

“But I have stilled and quietened my soul: like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” Psalm 131:

“The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.” Isaiah 32:17-18

May mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you! Jude 1:2



Have you ever been angry? Angry? Duh, of course yes! I am human, it’s natural….

Has someone ever wronged and hurt you so bad that you thought they don’t deserve your forgiveness? Was it easy going through the hurt and picking yourself up? Don’t you think that somehow karma should make them pay for making you go through all that pain and stress and perhaps even depression?

Yesterday I got really mad. I had ordered some table mats from a supplier and they had promised that it would be delivered by end of day yesterday. I asked them if they are really sure. They said yes. I even offered to have them picked from her stall on Saturday because I had this feeling that she would fail me. She assured me that she would bring them. Come end of day, she didn’t deliver. I didn’t call her nor try to contact her in any way but I was really mad. Mad because she had broken a promise. Mad because I had tried to have her not make that promise but she wouldn’t take it.

Now all of us live in relationships – family, friends, business partners, colleagues, – where conflicts are inevitable. How do you grow together in those relationships through all seasons while remaining a blessing to the other party? Where do you draw the line between positive criticism and destructive criticism, a lovely rebuke and a rebuke in malice? What is the place of showing grace when we have every justification to be mad and angered? What is the place of grace?


According to the Bible, Grace is unmerited favor. Unmerited because it is not earned nor deserved. The Grace of God is His unmerited kindness and love and compassion that made Him move in redemption to redeem us back to Himself. It is the unconditional love of God apart from our actions or goodness. It is not secured by our actions nor our goodness. It can never be bought. Grace is basically a gift and does not come as a result of something that someone did or as a reward for an action.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Extending grace in our daily lives to those we interact with is not walk in the park. It is not easy and it is a tall order. Yet this is what we’ve been called to as Christians. It is speaking building words and not words that bring down others. Words that are gentle and kind. Grace is showing mercy instead of justice. Grace is showing forgiveness instead of revenge. Grace is extending our abundance to those in need.

Before you say an unkind word to someone, think about grace and extend grace. Before you critic someone out of malice think about grace and extend grace. Before you revenge on someone because they have wronged you so bad, show grace, the grace that speaks of forgiveness. Before you blood thirsts for justice, show mercy. Before you act mean, lavishly show grace and be generous.


No pain, no gain.

Everybody wants a great life… Don’t you? A great family, a beautiful wife and amazing children. A big man job with big figure salary, if possible a seven digit salary to facilitate you securing a home in the most posh and high end suburbs and a real fuel guzzler machine. If we don’t get this from a job, we want to build an empire business where our products or services will be used in every household. A business that will outlive us; where our great great grandchildren will still find it and continue to build on the empire. To cap it all, we want a big name… and not just a big name, an influential name. A name that make us total ballers and  will demand respect, that when we walk into a room everybody bows in admiration or honor or respect or fear – whatever it is, so long as our presence makes them bow… And note we want all this as soon as possible without the delayed gratification necessary to attain wealth or anything good in life.

Everyone would like that. The question is; does it come easy like that? Perhaps the real question should be; What are you willing to sacrifice and struggle for? Because trust me, this is the real determinant of how our lives turn out to be.

We want an amazing job and a great career without the sacrifice of long working us, the pain of putting up with mean bosses and inconsiderate colleagues, the pain to  take in the sacrifice of long reading hours, navigate through the corporate ladder and hierarchies… We want to get rich without taking the risk necessary for business to grow… We want great relationships without the sacrifice of nurturing such a relationship, the tough conversations, the commitment it takes… We want great and obedient kids without having to do much about good parenting… We want an amazing physique without the hours a the gym and the discipline of eating healthy…We want it all but do nothing to achieve it at all.

Well life isn’t that way. Everything great in life and any life achievement never comes without sacrifices. Life is about fighting for what you desire to achieve. It will never be given to you. You have to work for it. It’s about fighting for space, fighting to take up opportunities, fighting to get ahead… They say leadership is not given but taken, well achievements aren’t given either but worked for. But while you are at it, make sure to put in a worthwhile sacrifice, one that will make the achievement stand the test of time. Don’t go for cheap easy ‘sacrifices’ that will cost you nothing. They never last. They come down crumbling because they were never anchored on the right foundations nor true virtues and were never held together by the right values. It’s easy to make such sacrifices. The easier route is always faster and shorter and less complicated but it’s the weak foundations that come crumbling buildings down at the slightest storm.

It’s not just about, ‘ how bad do you want it?’ or ‘ you’ve got to want it enough…’ It’s also about; ‘are you willing to work for it and be patient while at it?’ Will you make the necessary sacrifices and endure the struggles involved? Will you go the extra mile?

You’ve got to not only want the result but also go through the process. You’ve got to not only want the gains but also endure the pain. You’ve got to not only want the reward but also endure the struggle. You’ve got to not only want victory but also fight for it… Nothing comes out of nothing…no pain, no gain.





Our view of life is as important as life itself is…

You act what you believe

The world conspires to give you what you believe and fight for…

So don’t allow yourself to adopt that eye…

The eye that says your circumstances are grave

It sees no hope, no aspiration, and no determination

It sees desolation and violation

It sees all the evil in the world and concludes

‘Nothing can be done about it…’

The eye of desolation leads to oblivion.


It is the eye of fear

A fear that is baseless, founded on nothing

Should love cross your way,

This eye sees catastrophe

Leading to unreasonable fear of commitment

It is the eye that gauges how a relationship

Mashes with popular ideas about a Christian marriage

Instead of whether the relationship fills God’s design for your life


BUT The eye of hope…

It’s the eye of impossible possible

It’s the eye of a better day

It’s the eye of positivism

Seeing the possibility of living a purposeful and fulfilling life

A life of making the world a better place

It’s the eye that leads to the actualization of our dreams and desires


The eye of hope…

The eye of love

It recognizes, opens its arms and embraces love

It seeks God’s design for our lives

For it understands that its foundation is in Christ

He is our hope, our refuge, our deliverer

It’s the eye that is deeply rooted in God.


It is Theodore Roosevelt who said, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat,” I couldn’t agree more. In life most of us are tempted to just sit back and watch as the doer of the action does what he knows best. Not that we don’t want to be in the arena doing it… if anything we admire them. It is the courage to start and keep doing it that scares us.

This morning I woke one hour late than my ‘desired time’ to wake up. The alarm went off but I snoozed … I told myself, just for today…only today… One hour later after I managed to drag myself out of the bed, I realized that I have always used that phrase ‘ just for today..only today…’ and it has kept me from consistently getting a grip on being an early riser. As I hurriedly prepared, a friend I live with apparently has the same issue – they say birds of the same feather flock together, well they were right.We talked of how we desired to change our habits but we often fall short in doing so every other time. Once we identify something we want to change, we’ll get it right the first few days,may be three or four days, then we’ll find ourselves going back to the old habit. We’ll get mad about it, then resume back on track again, follow through for three more days, then revert back to the old habit! It made me realize that change is never easy and that once the mind has decided to change, the body will always want otherwise.According to the trans-theoretical model of change, behavioral change is a process involving five steps. We oscillate between these five stages; pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation for action, action, and maintenance. We start enticing the idea of change, then we think about it before we even decide to plunge into action. Preparation for change is very important as this is the time we prepare both psychologically and physically to handle the change that we want to effect…Well in all the three,I have done pretty well… However it’s the action stage and especially the maintenance that I and most of us have a problem. Someone once said that consistency is the rule of the game – I totally agree.

The consistency to follow through what we started is very important if we are to succeed in anything. Consistency is what to me I’d define as small victories that lead to ‘The Victory’. Our problem is that we fail to realize that it is in the consistency of the small wins that the real true victory lies. It’s in the waking up of the ‘just for today’ and getting out of bed that day, that I will eventually achieve my desired outcome.Just like the ocean is a collection of many waters – springs, streams and rivers- so is character. It is formed in the consistency and persistence of daily habits. Perhaps Theodore Roosevelt knew better, that it is the man who has the courage not just to start but to keep doing the action consistently that really matters. It is while in the course of doing the deeds and being consistent at it that victory is achieved… If you realize, the last time I posted something here was two years ago!!! I have a long way to go in being consistent in doing what I set out to do…I will challenge myself to follow through and see…So tomorrow as soon as the alarm goes, I promise to go for the small victory of that day…:)


“Don’t ever let…

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something, not even me. Alright? Your dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.” Chris Gardener, from the movie, In pursuit of Happyness.

Don’t let yourself be cowed by the opinions of others. Don’t let your dreams be shaped by what they say or think about it. You dreamt it, you saw it,  you got to do it. Even when a voice from within doubts, talk to it, in life you’ve got to conquer in the mind first and in the spirit first before the physical manifests.